
It was relatively busy in this beginning of the year.
While I’m spending my time for the work, private life is getting more monotone.

This Saturday, we will have a bunk bed for my daughters, and sometimes we go out together as family.
Those small update or news is enjoyable, but for some reason, my life becomes monotonous.

Maybe I’m getting more used to everything because of the experiences.
Speed of spending time is also getting faster and faster.

And I’m trying to adjust myself to this 40s life which is already full of routines.

can’t afford

Busy and can’t afford to do something is different concept.
I should be less busier than last year end, as I needed to spend all the free night time for the session in Melbourne.

But I couldn’t spend any time to put some post here.
It’s because there was no room for that in my life.

Today I finished Raising Loop, it’s a adventure novel game.
It’s great game to forget time and play, the plot and story line is engaging.

Maybe now it’s better to use time to replay and think back my life today and recently.


The New Year’s holiday went by so fast.
I don’t have any new year resolution this year.

Even today, I couldn’t find anything I wanted to do after putting my daughters to sleep.
Doing job is also not an option for me to spend time in night time.

I will turn 41 this year.