
The stock price of my company is rising well.
It’s from 45$ to 60+$ in this 4 month.
I have 4.5k stocks, and it’s not a small amount.

I hope I can get more money.
When I was young, I didn’t care about money

But with growing, money started to play a more important role, especially for my family.
I spend the least within my family but still, much money is used for glossaries, clothes, and education.

Time also becomes an important factor after having a family as I need to spend time taking care of my kids.
But if I’m a billionaire, it can be a game changer and solver for the challenges.

If I’m rich, I can go to university now.
I’m interested in studying but achieving both work and studying is not easy for an ordinary man.


I started getting into reading at the beginning of this year.
It was gradual.

Anyway I read the book when I ride exercise bike every week.
But in addition to that, I read the book in night time more frequently.
I have read 9 books in this month.

It was unfortunate I stopped reading habit after marriage, and I didn’t have this habit while my elder daughter was little and young.
Because showing the role model is best way to motivate children, as per my understanding.

I recently read the book written by former CEO of Hitachi.
The author started 2 hours of random reading in the morning from his mid-40s.

I agree and it should be good idea if the person will need to be CEO.
Achieving knowledge and cultivate oneself is important for such kind of person.
If I need to be CEO, I’ll do the same.


The year is now 2025.
I’ll be 42, my older daughter will be in 6th grade, and my younger daughter will be in the same school with her big sister.
It will be the fiscal year for junior high school exams.

I really hope this year will be good year for everyone especially around me.
I don’t have critical issue in my life, but it’s just for now.
No one knows about the future.

My dad friend will start working in my company.
He is good guy and I believe it’s good choice.

I had 13 days off from 24th Dec, but it’s 5th Jan already.
Time really flies fast.
But I always realize again that day off is super important to have OFF from the duty.
And it’s crucial especially for older and growing man.