I have something to worry about.
My elder daughter seems not to like studying, and making a effort.
She likes playing a game, and watching Netflix, but she doesn’t care her exam scores.
I can’t blame her as the very first time when I started to study by my own intention is around 25 year’s old.
But I now learned that studying is important and helpful to have good life.
I really want to help her.
But it cannot be achieved without her understanding and help.
Last week, I created presentation with 8 slides to explain her situation, and the decisions she needs to make.
Hope she understands it, but if she doesn’t want to spend time for learning, still it’s OK.
But she will need to quit her private tutoring.
月: 2024年12月
Days off are very important.
Since my job and role is with high pressure, “off” to away from the responsibility is crucial to maintain myself.
Even though I’m not good at switching on and off.
Still I can be away from the job.
My sister-in-law will visit my house tomorrow with her daughter.
It is always a pleasure to meet with her, as I like her personality.
Hope she can enjoy the stay, and my daughters and her daughter can enjoy the meet up and playing together.
My younger daughter caught stomach sick, then elder daughter had 39 degree C fever.
I needed to take her to the doctor, but fortunately it’s not a flu, and recovered promptly.
They are so excited to visit my wife’s home town from 30th, and looking forward.
Catching the sickness earlier is kind of positive.
It’s already December 24th.
It’s already December 24th.
Failed to keep posting in earlier days in Dec…
No special update, but finally I finished my work in 2024.
I have almost 2 weeks off, but Time will fly.